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美國:全裸看A片 帥男Joseph Gordon-Levitt英俊風流(情聖囧色夫)

▲喬瑟夫高登李維在新片中是個愛看A片的宅男。 (圖/翻攝網絡)

美國帥氣男演員Joseph Gordon-Levitt


曾在《黑闇騎士:黎明昇起》中飾演“羅賓”的喬瑟夫高登李維(Joseph Gordon-Levitt),他自編自導自演的處女作《情聖囧色夫》(Don Jon)曝光新片花,他在片中飾演一位沈迷A片的宅男,偏偏“享樂”之餘竟被女友抓包,爆笑劇情果然引起大批影迷瘋狂轉載!

喬瑟夫高登李維近年人氣飆升,近期作品《超急快遞》、《黑闇騎士:黎明昇起》也都有不錯成績。如今他自編自導自演《情聖囧色夫》(Don Jon)最新片花片曝光,片中他飾演的男主角因太愛看A片,被周遭友人封為“Don Jon”(唐璜,指英俊風流的男人,但中文譯為唐囧),沒想到他卻遇上由史嘉蕾喬韓森飾演的女主角,她熱愛電影、始終相信有白馬王子存在。



倒底是誰決定《情聖囧色夫(Don Jon)》這個中譯名稱的?現在是流行把電影當輕小說還是漫畫在翻譯嗎?算了...這至少有一個好處:看標題就會聯想到,或是就會知道這是喬瑟夫高登李維(Joseph Gordon-Levitt)的作品。

演藝圈的「演而優則導」風氣不只出現在那些已經闖蕩好萊塢多年的老牌演員身上,最近越來越多的演員都選擇早早就開始嘗試導演之路,。而新一代才子JGL首度擔任導演交出的作品《Don Jon》最近釋出預告片,由導演本人與正妹史嘉蕾喬韓森分任A片/電影看太多的男女主角,結果自己陷入一齣荒謬可愛的愛情喜劇裡不能自拔......

《Don Jon》是喬瑟夫高登李維自編自導自演的浪漫電影

由導演本人親自擔任男主角Jon Martello。Jon Martello因為每個周末都在電腦上欣賞不同的女人主演的愛情動作片,因此被朋友取笑為「Don Jon (唐璜,指英俊風流的男人)」


'Don Jon' Trailer: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Has Good Vibrations In Trailer For His Directorial Debut
The Huffington Post  |  By Christopher Rosen

Feel the vibrations. With a special personalized announcement from Joseph Gordon-Levitt himself, "Don Jon" has its first trailer. The film -- previously titled "Don Jon's Addiction" after it debuted at the Sundance Film Festival in January -- is Gordon-Levitt's directorial debut. (He also wrote the script.)

"There's only a few things I really care about in life," says Don Jon (Gordon-Levitt) in the trailer for "Don Jon," before rattling off a checklist of what he holds nearest and dearest to his heart. "My body, my pad, my ride, my family, my church, my boys, my girls, my porn." That's right: Don Jon is addicted to pornography, a crutch Gordon-Levitt uses to explore male and female relationships and the pressure of media-enhanced expectations.

"It's just that idea of how we objectify each other and how the media contributes to that," Gordon-Levitt told HuffPost Entertainment about the film. "That's an idea that's really interesting and funny to me. That's where it all stems from. I thought the idea of a guy, who watches too much pornography, and a young woman, who watches too many romantic Hollywood movies, was a hilarious way to ask the question: How do the different kinds of media we consume impact our lives and our love lives?"

The trailer for "Don Jon" gives away a lot of the film's charms -- including cameo appearances from Anne Hathaway and Channing Tatum in a fake romcom within the movie -- but there are still some surprises in store for audiences to savor when the movie arrives in October. For now, enjoy Scarlett Johansson as Barbara Sugarman, Don Jon's love interest and the potential lost daughter of Marisa Tomei's Mona Lisa Vito from "My Cousin Vinny."

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/20 ... p_ref=entertainment
WATCH: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Naked & Pumped Up For ‘Don Jon’

Joseph Gordon-Levitt has just completed directing his first film with a cast that includes Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore and Tony Danza with Don Jon. Check out the trailer below.

His film tells the story of a young man from New Jersey whose lives are torn between his family, the body-building, his friends, go to church, have girlfriends and watching porn. Lots of porn. This fine balance will be shaken when he meets a woman who could be the love of his life.

The trailer is great at setting up the film’s premise and themes while also establishing a wild and wooly comedic tone, with much of the fun coming from JGL’s convincing transformation into a Pauly D-esque “Guido.”

http://socialitelife.com/watch-j ... for-don-jon-05-2013

Joseph Gordon-Levitt上A網,打手槍洩慾!

帥男Joseph Gordon-Levitt英俊風流!

「羅賓」化身最猛男人 床戰史嘉莉再上A網洩慾2回合





片中所有裸露鏡頭  親自上陣不害羞

十歲出道演出【大河戀】就被評為最佳童星,他就是好萊塢目前的當紅炸子雞-喬瑟夫高登李維。他也是【戀夏(500日)】裡的癡情男湯姆、【特種部隊】的反派男子、【全面啟動】中的夢境守門人、【黑暗騎士】裡的羅賓。演技多變的他,自然悠遊於獨立製片與商業大片中。這次,這位電影才子執起導演筒,自編自導自演愛情喜劇【超急情聖Don Jon】,為了電影角色,他也積極健身,原本纖瘦的身材,已經變成結實二頭肌,展現別與以往的男人味。



